2024 Fierce Life Sciences Innovation Awards

All entries are judged on the ability of the applicant to demonstrate the following: effectiveness, technical innovation, competitive advantage, financial impact, and true innovation. 


Biotech Innovation

Championing innovation in the face of great competition. This category showcases products and services that are forward thinking and have the greatest opportunity to have a big impact on the industry.

Data Analytics/Business Intelligence

Excellence in data analytics. This category recognizes greatness in business intelligence using data science, data management, and data analytics to better serve the industry.

Drug Delivery Technology

Drug delivery technologies are shaping the industry. This category recognizes excellence and innovation in the latest drug delivery technologies.

Digital Health Solutions

Forward thinking digital innovation. This category showcases the best use of digital technology and mobile apps to better serve the industry.

Medical Device Innovation

Advancing science through device innovation. This category showcases the best medical device innovations that have the greatest opportunity to have an impact on the industry.

Technology Innovation

Utilizing technology to shape the industry. This category highlights products and services that are using innovative technology solutions to better serve the industry and promote innovation.

Application Scoring

Applications will be scored by two judges and the aggregate of the scores will determine finalists and category winners.


Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Effectiveness: Does the product or service deliver what it promises? Are there quantifiable metrics or case study data that demonstrates the value?
  • Technical Innovation: Is the product or service technologically ahead of the curve? Is it employing new systems or processes that have not yet been implemented in the industry?
  • Competitive Advantage: Can the product or service deliver a genuine competitive advantage that would better enable business processes?
  • Financial Impact: Does the product or service enable new revenue opportunities or greatly enhanced cost savings? Does it streamline workflow in a way that would lead to new operational efficiencies?
  • True Innovation: How unique is the entry? What problem does it solve? Has it pioneered a new way of doing things? Does it fit the definition of "game changing?"